Manchester Junior Chess Congress
High Lawn Primary School
Saturday 13th December 2014
Kings Section
Winner Boys Hashir Sapra (Bolton Boys School)
Winner Girls Amerleen Hundle (Bolton Girls school)
Runner up Boys Edward Udall (St Maxentius School)
Queens Section
Winner Boys Daniel Schofield (SS Simon & Jude School)
Winner Girls Kareena Singh (Bolton Girls school)
Runner up Boys James Parker (St Maxentius School)
Runner up Girls Ariella Tanfield (Bolton Girls School)
Knights Section
Winner Boys Vibhav Sugumar (Bolton Boys School)
Winner Girls Grace Smith (St Mark’s School)
Runner up Boys Alfie Owens (High Lawn School)
Runner up Girls Emily Bartholomew (St. Maxentius School)
Sixty one children took part from fifteen schools in Manchester.
Controllers: Julian Clissold; Rod Middleton; Keith Schofield; Everson Correa.
Thanks to High Lawn Primary School for providing the venue.
Youngest player Rebecca Correa 6 years old.